History of the United States Patent Office
The Patent Office Pony
Sources and Annotations
AC = Appleton's Cyclopedia (1888)
APJ = American Polytechnic Journal
AR = Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents (various years)
ca = circa, about
DAB = Dictionary of American Biography
DAP = Dictionary of American Portraits, Dover
DNB = Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford (1894)
FD1 = Federal Documentary Microfilm Edition No. 1, National Archives/reel number
JFI = Journal of the Franklin Institute
JPOS = Journal of the Patent Office Society
KWD = The author
LC = Library of Congress, Washington, DC
NA = National Archives, Washington, DC, usually followed by microfilm number, then reel no:frame (or page) no
NCAB = National Cyclopedia of American Biography (various years)
NI = National Intelligencer newspaper, Washington, DC
NPG = National Police Gazette
RCHS = Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
SA = Scientific American
TCBD = Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans
TJ = Thomas Jefferson
WT = William Thornton
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AR 1823 in vol for 1790-1836
AR 1829 Pat Off Ltr Bk mss pp 69-72
AR 1830 HR doc 38 Cong 21:1
AR 1831 HR doc 2/5 Cong 22:1
AR 1833 Pat Off Ltr Bk mss p 133
AR 1837 HR doc 112 Cong 25:2
AR 1838 HR doc 80 Cong 25:3
AR 1839 Sen doc 111 Cong 26:1
AR 1840 Sen doc 152 Cong 26:2
AR 1841 Sen doc 169 Cong 27:2
AR 1842 Sen doc 129 Cong 27:3
AR 1843 Sen doc 150 Cong 28:1
AR 1844 Sen doc 75 Cong 28:2
AR 1845 HR doc 140 Cong 29:1
AR 1846 HR doc 52 Cong 29:2
AR 1847 HR exdoc 54 Cong 30:1
AR 1848 HR exdoc 59 Cong 30:2
AR 1849 Sen exdoc 15 Cong 31:1
AR 1850 HR exdoc 32 Cong 31:2
AR 1851 HR exdoc 118 Cong 32:1
AR 1852 HR exdoc 55 Cong 32:2
AR 1853 HR exdoc 39 Cong 33:1
AR 1854 HR exdoc 59 Cong 33:2
AR 1855 HR exdoc 12 Cong 34:1
AR 1856 HR exdoc 65 Cong 34:3
AR 1857 HR exdoc 32 Cong 35:1
AR 1858 HR exdoc 105 Cong 35:2
AR 1859 Sen exdoc 12 Cong 36:1
AR 1860 Sen exdoc 7 Cong 36:2
AR 1861 HR exdoc 53 Cong 37:2
AR 1862 HR exdoc 52 Cong 37:2
AR 1863 HR exdoc 60 Cong 38:1
AR 1864 HR exdoc 51 Cong 38:2
AR 1865 HR exdoc 52 Cong 39:1
AR 1866 HR exdoc 109 Cong 39:2
AR 1867 HR exdoc 96 Cong 40:2
AR 1868 HR exdoc 52 Cong 40:3
AR 1869 HR exdoc 102 Cong 41:2
AR 1870 HR exdoc 89 Cong 41:3
AR 1871 HR exdoc 86 Cong 42:2
AR 1872 HR exdoc 190 Cong 42:3
AR 1873 HR exdoc 58 Cong 43:1
AR 1874 HR exdoc 150 Cong 43:2
AR 1875 HR exdoc 107 Cong 44:1
AR 1876 HR exdoc 36 Cong 44:2
AR 1877 HR exdoc 61 Cong 45:2
AR 1878 HR exdoc 48 Cong 45:3
AR 1879 HR exdoc 33 Cong 46:2
AR 1880 HR exdoc 104 Cong 46:3
AR 1881 HR exdoc 62 Cong 47:1
AR 1882 HR exdoc 71 Cong 47:2
AR 1883 HR exdoc 73 Cong 48:1
AR 1884 HR exdoc 18 Cong 48:2
AR 1885 Sen miscdoc 71 Cong 49:1
AR 1886 HR miscdoc 135 Cong 49:2
AR 1887 HR miscdoc 164 Cong 50:1
AR 1888 HR miscdoc 109 Cong 50:2
AR 1889 Sen miscdoc 78 Cong 51:1
AR 1890 Sen miscdoc 58 Cong 51:2
AR 1891 Sen miscdoc 68 Cong 52:1
AR 1892 Sen miscdoc 53 Cong 52:2
Manuscript papers of Edmund BURKE, LC
Manuscript papers of Thomas EWING, LC
Papers of Pasquale Joseph and Bianca Morse FEDERICO, Smithsonian National Museum of American History Library
Manuscript papers of Thomas A. JENCKES, LC
Manuscript papers of William Chauncy LANGDON, LC
Manuscript papers of Charles MASON, LC
"SCRAP-BOOK, Department of the Interior", mss in Special collections, Scientific Library, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
PATENT Office Letter Book 1814-1836 (microfilm), Smithsonian National Museum of American History Library
PEALE Family Papers [Kraus Microform], compiled by Smithsonian
Microfilm papers of William H. SEWARD
Manuscript papers of SHRIVER Family, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore
Manuscript papers of William THORNTON, LC
The Papers of Daniel WEBSTER (Microfilm edition LC microfilm 13,857)
Front Cover -- The Patent Office Pony -- from 1911 Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence advertising brochure
Title Page -- U.S. Patent 62,662 (1867)
1 -- Chas. E. Mitchell -- Campbell
2 -- Orville H. Platt -- TCBD vol 8
3 -- Benjamin Butterworth -- Butterworth, The Growth of Industrial Art
4 -- Robt. W. Fenwick -- KWD from portrait in Mercantile
5 -- Early writing -- from a sample
6 -- Greek Cup Bearer -- Beazley, from design on ancient Greek cup
7 -- Filippo Brunelleschi -- from bas relief by Buggiano in Cathedral at Florence
8 -- New Stained Glass at Eton -- detail from engraving in Maxwell-Lyte (1889)
9 -- Queen Elizabeth I -- detail from 1596 engraving by Crispin van de Passe
10 -- Peter Chamberlen, M.D. -- Aveling
11 -- Pine Tree Shilling -- AC 3:425
12 -- Masters' Engine -- British patent 401 of 11/25/1715 from SA 8/1/1891
13 -- Buell's First Type Font -- Wroth, from specimen in Stiles papers, Yale University Library
14 -- Bushnell's Turtle -- adapted from 1875 drawing by Lieutenant F.M. Barber with corrections
15 -- Nathan Sellers -- KWD from 1808 portrait by C.W. Peale
16 -- James Rumsey -- KWD from Benjamin West portrait
17 -- John Fitch -- woodcut from DAP p 211
18 -- James Madison -- NCAB 5:369
19 -- Charles C. Pinckney -- AC 5:22
20 -- John Fitch's Steamboat -- adapted from Columbian Magazine, Vol 1 No 4 (Dec 1786), prefixed plate
21 -- Aedanus Burke -- Green Bag 11:267 (1899)
22 -- Benjamin Huntington -- NCAB 13:525
23 -- Lambert Cadwalader -- NCAB 10:381
24 -- Commissioners for Promotion of Useful Arts
Edmund Randolph -- NCAB 1:12
Henry Knox -- NCAB 1:14
Thomas Jefferson -- NCAB 3:1
25 -- Henry Remsen Jr. -- KWD from oil portrait in office of Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
26 -- State Dept Office 1791 -- KWD from detail of 1836 watercolor by David J. Kennedy, see Boyd, J.P. vol 17
27 -- John Stevens -- AC 5:673
28 -- Nathan Read -- Read, Nathan Read
29 -- 1830 American Locomotive -- Butterworth, Growth of Industrial Art
30 -- The Darby Ram -- KWD from several originals
34 -- Patents all the Rage -- KWD from original sheet music in LC
36 -- Eli Whitney -- NCAB 4:495
39 -- Wm. Thornton -- adapted from old engraving, see Caemmerer
40 -- Samuel Blodgett -- KWD from John Trumbull portrait, see McCosker, Goode
42 -- Wm. C.C. Claiborne -- AC 1:619
43 -- E.I. DuPont -- NCAB 6:456
44 -- Benj. H. Latrobe -- NCAB 9:425
45 -- William Plumer -- KWD from portrait, see Plumer
46 -- Oliver Evans -- NCAB 6:65
48 -- Jacob Cist -- mirrored detail from self-portrait at Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, see Powell
49 -- State Department -- Poore
51 -- Robert Fulton -- NCAB 3:104
54 -- James Monroe -- NCAB 6:81
57 -- Blodgett's Hotel (from watercolor by Nicholas King) -- KWD, original at Huntington Library, San Marino, CA
58 -- Blodgett's Hotel (1810-1829) -- KWD from several earlier drawings and watercolors
60 -- Robert Smith -- U.S. Dept of State, History
64 -- Adm. Cockburn -- KWD from published 1879 portrait by C. Turner, see Jensen; LC-USZ62-12334 in LC
65 -- Gen Robert Ross -- KWD from published portrait, see Maguire
66 -- John Smith -- KWD from samples
71 -- Geo. Escol Sellers -- KWD from published portrait, see Paper Trade Journal 10/16/1897 and Sellers (1965)
72 -- Orukter Amphibolis -- adapted from Howe (1845) p 77
74 -- John Q. Adams -- NCAB 5:73
76 -- Peter A. Browne -- KWD from published portrait, see Sinclair
78 -- Henry Clay -- adapted from U.S. Dept. of State, History
81 -- Thomas P. Jones -- KWD from published portrait in JPOS and JFI
83 -- Blodgett's Hotel after 1829-1830 Expansion -- Campbell
91 -- James C. Pickett -- by C.K. Berryman, 1901 from Patent and Trademark Office
93 -- Henry Ellsworth -- KWD from portrait in JPOS
94 -- Model Room of Patent Office about 1835 -- KWD from A.J. Davis published early 1830s sketch, see Prologue 23:407
96 -- John Ruggles -- KWD from published portrait, see JPOS
102 -- Robert Mills -- KWD from published portrait, see RCHS 40-41:14
103 -- Andrew Jackson -- AC 3:373
109 -- Steiger's Sketch of Burned-Out Blodgett's Hotel -- HR Doc 134 24th Cong 2d Sess 1/20/1837
110 -- Washington City Hall (When Completed) -- adapted from Elliot (1837)
115 -- Charles G. Page -- KWD from published portrait, see Post (1976)
116 -- Norbert Rillieux -- KWD from published portrait, see Harbison
117 -- Patent Office in 1846 -- American Journal of the Improvements etc. p 3
118 -- Samuel F.B. Morse -- AC 4:427
119 -- Annie Ellsworth -- KWD from published portrait, see Electrical Engineer 8/19/1891
121 -- Edmund Burke -- KWD from published portrait, see JPOS
122 -- Titian Peale -- KWD from published portrait, see DAP p 479
123 -- Thomas Ewing -- AC 2:394
124 -- Dr. John Gorrie -- KWD from published portrait, see Sherlock
127 -- George Wilkes -- Wilkes, Europe in a Hurry
129 -- Orson D. Munn -- NCAB 7:83
130 -- Alfred E. Beach -- DAP p 42
131 -- Allen B. Wilson -- NCAB 9:460
132 -- Charles M. Keller -- KWD from photo held by descendants
133 -- Thomas Ewbank -- KWD from JPOS portrait
134 -- Silas Hodges -- KWD from JPOS portrait
142 -- Wm. C. Langdon -- KWD from published portrait, see Doggett
143 -- Clara Barton -- KWD from published portrait, DAP p 38
144 -- Charles Mason -- TCBD vol 7
147 -- Robt. McClelland -- NCAB 4:150
148 -- New Model Room -- APJ 5/1854
149 -- Commissioner Mason's Room -- United States Magazine, 10/1856
150 -- Abraham Lincoln -- AC 3:715
151 -- Joseph Holt -- NCAB 1:355
152 -- 1859 Office Seal -- Scientific Artisan vol 1 (1859)
153 (top) -- B. T. Montgomery -- KWD from published photograph, see James
153 (bottom) -- Wm. D. Bishop -- KWD from JPOS portrait
154 (top) -- Philip Thomas -- NCAB 5:6
154 (bottom) -- Shimmi Masaoki -- Johnston
155 -- Muragaki Norimasa -- Johnston
156 -- Elmer Ellsworth -- NCAB 4:166
157 -- David Holloway -- KWD from JPOS portrait
158 -- 1st R.I. Infantry Regt. Quartered in Patent Office -- Harper's Weekly 6/1/1861
159 -- Theodore Timby -- NCAB 9:116
160 -- John Ericsson -- NCAB 4:46
162 -- Charles M. Spencer -- KWD from published portrait, see Marcot
163 -- Walt Whitman -- AC 6:485
165 -- Patent Office Ball for Lincoln's 2nd Inauguration -- Illustrated London News 4/8/1865
167 -- Rufus R. Rhodes -- KWD from original in Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond
168 -- C.S.A. Patent Office -- Richmond Dispatch 6/30/1896 p 16
169 -- John M. Brooke -- KWD from published portrait, see George M. Brooke
170 -- Confederate Patent Office Seal -- KWD from embossed seal on an original patent
171 -- Thos. C. Theaker -- KWD from JPOS portrait
172 -- New Patent Office after Completion -- Picturesque Washington (1884) p 215
173 -- Examiners at Work -- Harper's Weekly 7/10/1869
174 -- Elisha Foote -- KWD from JPOS portrait
175 175 -- Samuel S. Fisher -- SA 10/16/1869
176 -- Thomas A. Jenckes -- TCBD vol 6
177 -- James A. Bland -- from sheet music by Bland in LC
176 -- Mark Twain -- AC 1:648
180 -- M.D. Leggett -- NCAB 2:350
181 -- Chester Greenwood -- Leading Business Men of Farmington
182 -- John M. Thacher -- KWD from JPOS portrait
183 -- R. Holland Duell -- NCAB 12:285
184 -- Ellis Spear -- NCAB 13:364
185 -- South Hall of the Patent Office Model Room -- Picturesque Washington (1884)
186 -- North Hall of Model Room (Rebuilt After Fire) -- Picturesque Washington (1884)
190 -- Clerks Passing Out Models from the West Hall -- The Daily Graphic 09/28/1877
191 -- Bringing Models Down the Main Stairway -- The Daily Graphic 09/27/1877
192 -- Sorting and Repairing Broken Patent Models -- The Daily Graphic 09/28/1877
194 -- Halbert E. Paine -- NCAB 10:54
195 -- Edgar M. Marble -- KWD from JPOS portrait
196 -- M.V.B. Montgomery -- KWD from JPOS portrait
197 -- Benton J. Hall -- KWD from JPOS portrait
198 -- Korekiyo Takahashi -- KWD from published portrait, see Takahashi
199 -- W.H. Thorne -- Washington Post 8/16/1891 p 16
202 -- Patent Office End of Herbert Hoover Building -- 1965 Patent Office poster
203 -- Patent Office in Richmond Tobacco Warehouse -- KWD from the building
204 -- Patent Office in Crystal Plaza 3 and 4, Arlington -- KWD from the buildings
206 -- Your Guide -- KWD from KWD
Proceedings and Addresses, p 23
Butterworth, Proceedings and Addresses
Chapter One
de Camp, Chapt 1
2. SA 3/1980 p 96; SA 5/1982 p 99
Athenaeus, Vol 3, Bk 12, Ch 20
Dio, Bk 57;
Plinius Secundus, Bk 36, Ch 66
Gaye, pp 547-549;
Prager (1946);
Prager & Scaglia;
Maxwell-Lyte (1911)
Hume, Vol 4;
Macaulay, Vol 1
9. Noy, Rep. 173
10. Statute 21, James I, Ch 3
Chapter Two
Smith & Smith; NCAB 22:58-59; SA 4/18/1891 pp 243-5
2. SA 12/11/1897 pp 370-1;
AR 1849; SA 8/1/1891 pp 71-2;
AR 1850;
Chapter Three
AR 1850
AR 1850;
American Archives, col. 1619
AR 1849
AR 1849
AR 1849
AR 1849;
AR 1850;
Howe (1845)
AR 1849;
AR 1850;
Howe (1845)
AR 1849
Chapter Four
1. SA 4/18/1891 p 241;
Fitch p 178-179
Stiles, 8/27/1787
Thornton, Short Account;
Smith & Smith;
Brissot de Warville
5. WT/LC, sheets 505-508, WT draft ltr 1/1/1810
6. SA 10/17/1846 p 1
Chapter Five
Federico, "The First Patent Act";
2. Act of April 10, 1790, 1 Statutes at Large 109
Federico, "Operation of the Patent Act of 1790"
4. TJ to Benjamin Vaughan 6/27/1790, see
Lipscomb vol 8 &
Boyd, J.P. vol 16
6. TJ to Isaac McPherson 8/13/1813, see
Lipscomb vol 13
Hamm; N.Y. Evening Post obit 2/20/1843
Boyd, J.P., Vol 23
9. SA 8/15/1885 citing
Brief History (Beresford);
George Evans; SA 6/5/1915 p 533;
U.S. Patent Office, Authentic Account
10. TJ to Gen Knox, 7/22/1791, in JPOS 19:363
11. Remsen memo 3/31/1792, partial copy in NA M179 reel 7, full original at RG 59 Misc Corr (1784-1906) Ltrs Recd NARSA-1 Entry 113 Vol 14 March-April 1792
Evans, Abortion of Young Steam Engineer's Guide quoting extract from Patent Board minutes of November 23, 1790, sent to Evans by Henry Remsen Jr.
Fitch, Autobiography
Smith & Smith; NCAB 6:63-64
Howe (1845); R.C. Wakefield to George W. West, 12/26/1792 from NI 11/7/1816
Howe (1845)
Musical Interlude
Daughters of the American Revolution
4. DNB 13:1195-1198;
Hogan pp 2060-1
Chapter Six
1. TJ to Isaac McPherson 8/13/1813, see
Lipscomb vol 13
2. TJ to Hugh Williamson 4/1/1792, see
Boyd, J.P. vol 23
3. A Bill to Promote the Progress of the Useful Arts, 12/1/1791, see
Boyd, J.P. vol 22
Gales and Seaton, House of Reps, cols 853-860 at 854 (1/30/1793-2/4/1793)
6. NI 11/5/1849
Chapter Seven
Evans, George;
Proctor 12/10/1939
5. Sunday Star (Washington) 2/1/1942 p B4;
Proctor 12/10/1939
8. NA M234 roll 54 WT account 1/6/1803; WT to Henry Clay 12/21/1826, in H.R. Doc 47 19th Cong 2nd sess, FD1/4
9. NA T903 roll 1 Brent account 10/9/1802
Chapter Eight
1. WT to JR 6/9/1803 FD1/1
2. WT to JR 8/4/1807 and 8/18/1807; JR to WT, 8/12/1807; all FD1/1
3. WCCC to WT 10/1/1804 FD1/1
4. WT certificate 10/13/1804 FD1/1
5. dupont to James Madison 10/24/1804 FD1/1
6. WT to PB 10/27/1804 FD1/1
7. CWP to WT 4/16/1805 and 5/14/1805 FD1/1
8. BHL to WT 2/21/1806 FD1/1
9. JM to Congress 1/1/1807 FD1/1
11. WT to JM 11/27/1807 FD1/1
12. Rpt of Com of HR 12/7/1807 Amer State Papers Misc 1:646 FD1/1
13. ST to JM 4/11/1808 FD1/1
14. WT to JC 8/26/1808 FD1/1
15. WT to JC 10/28/1808 FD1/1
16. WT to JC 12/31/1808 FD1/1
17. WT to JC 6/3/1809 FD1/1
18. WT to JC 9/1/1809 FD1/1
19. WT to JM 12/17/1808 FD1/1
20. WT to JM 12/17/1808 FD1/1
Chapter Nine
1. WT to JS 11/24/1808 FD1/1
2. JS to WT 1/11/1809 FD1/1
3. WT to JS 1/23/1809 FD1/1
4. JS to WT 1/28/1809 FD1/1
5. WT to JS 1/15/1809 FD1/1
6. HB to JS 2/17/1809 FD1/1
7. NK receipt 2/21/1809 FD1/1
8. WT to RF 5/12/1809 FD1/1
9. JS to WT 7/28/1809 FD1/1
10. JS to WT 7/28/1809 FD1/1
11. WT to Speaker 1/29/1810, printed in Ohio Senate Journal FD1/1
Thornton, Short Account, enclosure 2
13. WT to NY Legislature ca Jan 1811 FD1/1
14. RF reply 1/20/1811 to ltr of note 13
15. RF to WT 11/29/1811 FD1/1
16. RF to JM 2/13/1812 FD1/1
17. RF to JM 12/27/1814 FD1/1
18. JM to WT 12/27/1814 FD1/1
19. WT to JM 1/9/1815 FD1/1
20. RF to RR 1/9/1815 FD1/1
21. JM to John Graham 1/26/1815 FD1/1
22. BHL to WT 2/13/1815 FD1/1
23. WT to RR 7/12/1817 FD1/2
Thornton, Short Account; see also WT to William Duer 6/22/1818 FD1/2
Chapter Ten
1. 11th Cong. 2nd sess, Stat 2 Chap 34
2. Albert Gallatin to Benj. Tallmadge 2/6/1812 FD1/1
Proctor 12/10/1939
4. BHL to RS 6/12/1810 FD1/1
5. BHL to WT 9/3/1810 FD1/1
6. BHL to RS 9/5/1810 FD1/1
7. WT to RS 12/19/1810 FD1/1
8. RS to JWE 12/21/1810 FD1/1
9. NI 3/12/1811
10. GL to Congress 4/3/1812 FD1/1
11. 13th Cong. 1st sess Stat 1 Chap 47 Act of 8/2/1813
12. SA 4/16/1859 p 263
13. NA M233 reel 9 p 199; TN voucher 5/31/1816
14. NA M235 reel 81 4/1/1813 et seq through M-235 reel 155 7/1/1816
15. TN patent of 4/29/1817
16. NI 9/7/1814
Chapter Eleven
1. George Moore voucher 8/22/1814 FD1/1; John C. Shindle vouch. 9/28/1814 FD1/1
2. Thomas Nicholson voucher 8/23/1814 FD1/1
3. WT to BW 8/24/1814; CL voucher 9/14/1814; RF voucher 10/3/1814, all FD1/1
4. NI 9/7/1814
5. WT to John W. Taylor 2/14/1821 FD1/2
6. NI 9/9/1814;
7. WT to WBB 3/31/1824 FD1/1
8. James Monroe to WT 9/3/1814 FD1/1
9. SA 4/16/1859 p 263; WT to John Quincy Adams 8/10/1824 FD1/3
10. Thomas Nicholson voucher 3/3/1815 FD1/1
11. SA 4/16/1859 p 263
12. WC voucher 1/12/1816 FD1/1
13. James W. Johnston voucher 3/3/1815 FD1/1
14. TN voucher 12/18/1815 FD1/1
15. TN voucher 1/3/1816
Chapter Twelve
Horse Hay Rake
2. RJM to WT 12/11/1816 FD1/1
4. Wm Elliot voucher 10/13/1815 FD1/1
Federico mss; NI 1/1/1838
Delano; NI 3/27/1829
7. NI 11/2/1832
8. NI 12/9/1820
9. NI 1/21/1845
10. BF voucher 11/26/1814 FD1/1
11. WT to Moses Young 9/29/1817 FD1/2
12. Register of the Officers and Agents of the United States as of September 30, 1816
13. Register of the Officers and Agents of the United States as of September 30, 1817
14. WT to Moses Young 9/19/1817 FD1/2
15. William Elliot voucher 10/6/1817 FD1/2; William Elliot to Daniel Brent 3/31/1819 FD1/2; NA M235 reel 155 account 32,472
16. Elliot (1837)
17. William Elliot to John D. Craig 1/16/1830 in Doc 38, 31st Cong 1st Sess, House Rep
18. See note 19
19. WT to James Monroe 2/19/1816 FD1/1
20. PAB to RR 4/8/1817 FD1/2
21. John Forsyth to John D. Craig 10/1/1834 NA M40 reel 25 pp 58-59
Sellers, Early Engineering Reminiscences (1965)
Sellers, American Machinist, 7/12/1884
Oliver Evans, to his counsel
Evams, The Young Mill-Wright ...
Evans, A Memorial ...
27. See note 26
Evans, Patent right oppression
Smith, Merrit Roe, ch 7;
31. AB to John Quincy Adams 1/20/1818 FD1/2
32. See MW to Henry Clay 3/22/1827 and accompanying papers, FD1/4
33. WT statement 3/24/1819 FD1/2
34. NI 4/19/1819
35. WB proposal 11/22/1819 FD1/2
Adams, JQ diary 4/26/1819
37. WT to President of Convention for Promotion of Manufactures 7/23/1827 FD1/4
38. J.B. Colvin et al to JQA 10/2/1819 FD1/2
39. WT to JQA 11/1/1819 FD1/2
40. 5th Auditor acct 962 11/3/1820 FD1/2
41. WT to JQA 8/22/1822 FD1/3
42. DB to WT 8/26/1822 FD1/3
43. JK voucher 10/4/1822 FD1/3
44. WT to JQA 1/4/1823 FD1/3
45. WT to JQA 3/7/1823 FD1/2
46. N & DS to WT 7/20/1820 FD1/2
47. WT to NS 7/29/1820 FD1/2
48. WE to JH 3/27/1823 FD1/3
49. WPE voucher 8/20/1823 FD1/3
50. PAB to WT 3/6/1824 FD1/3
51. John Stevens to WT 7/28/1809 FD1/1
52. WT to PAB 3/10/1824 FD1/3
53. PAB to WT 1/7/1825 FD1/3
54. see note 20
55. WT to PA 1/29/1825 FD1/3
56. PAB to WT 1/31/1825 FD1/3
57. PAB to JQA 1/29/1825 FD1/3
58. PAB to JQA 2/14/1825 FD1/3
59. DB to PAB 3/19/1825 FD1/3
60. PAB to HC 3/7/1825 FD1/3
61. PAB to JQA 3/23/1825 FD1/3
62. HC to PAB 3/25/1825 FD1/3
63. PAB to HC 3/29/1825 FD1/3
64. WT to HC 4/2/1825 FD1/3
65. HC to WW 4/15/1825 FD1/3
66. WW to HC 4/16/1825 FD1/3
67. HC to PA 4/20/1825 FD1/3
68. PAB to HC 5/11/1825 FD1/3
69. HB and JS opinion 5/10/1825 FD1/3
70. HC to PAB 9/12/1825 FD1/3
71. William Browne acct, 5th auditor acct 1686 9/30/1825 FD1/3
72. C.W. Boteler voucher 4/19/1826, 5th auditor acct 1804 FD1/3
73. RWF voucher 6/1/1827 FD1/4
74. William Brown acct 9/29/1827 5th auditor acct 1957 FD1/4
75. WT to Henry Clay 3/6/1827 FD1/4
76. AM voucher 9/2/1825 5th auditor acct 1686 FD1/3
77. JM to HC 3/5/1828 FD1/4
78. HC to JM 3/7/1828 FD1/4
Saxe-Weimar Eisenach
Chapter Thirteen
1. William and Mary Quarterly, 26(1):140-141 (10/1917); American Beacon and Commercial Diary (Norfolk, VA) 9/13/1817 p 3 and 11/8/1817 p 3; W&M faculty minutes 12/9/1824
Federico mss
3. RB to MVB 4/11/1829 NA M639 12:503-504
4. HN to HC 4/2/1828 M-179
5. WE to MVB 3/10/1829 M-639 12:491
6. Ltr to Henry Clay from illegible sender 3/28/1828 NA M531 3:47
7. WE to Henry Clay 3/31/1828 Patent Office Ltr Bk mss p 33
8. JFI 1(ns):414 June 1828
9. Daniel Brent to TPJ 10/22/1828 NA M40 20:313
10. WE to James A. Hamilton 3/10/1829 NA M639 12:489
11. TPJ to MVB 5/14/1829 NA M639 12:515-520
12. WE to MVB 3/30/1829 NA M639 7:491-495
13. WE to MVB 5/11/1829 NA M639 7:505-506
Federico mss
Chapter Fourteen
2. Baltimore Directory 1810
3. Baltimore Directory 1817-8 & 1824
AR 1830
6. JDC to MVB 1/1/1830 NA M639 3:694
7. JDC to Edw. Livingston 1/1/1833 NA M639 3:696
8. JDC to Louis McLane 6/24/1833 NA M639 3:705-6
9. Bulfinch to McLane 7/5/1833 NA M639 3:710-13
10. Bulfinch to McLane 7/17/1833 NA M639 3:741-2
11. McLane to JDC 11/11/1833 NA M40 24:91
12. JDC Report 12/22/1829 in HR Doc 38 31st Cong 1st Sess 1/27/1830
13. AR 1829
14. Doc 2, 22nd Cong 1st Sess
15. AR 1833
16. Livingston to JDC 4/17/1832 NA M40 23:77; WAW to W.P.Elliot 12/28/1833 NA M639 7:524-6; testimony of William A. Weaver 2/12/1834 Sen Doc 398 23rd Cong 1st Sess; NCAB 13:226
17. Testimony of Henry Bishop 2/14/1834 Sen Doc 398 23rd Cong 1st Sess
18. Testimony of Jones 2/15/1834 Sen Doc 398 23 Cong 1st Sess
19. Decision of Dayton 3/15/1834 Sen Doc 398 23rd Cong 1st Sess
20. JDC to WTS 10/23/1833 NA M639 7:566
21. JDC to WTS 10/26/1833 NA M639 7:567
22. JDC to McLane 11/8/1833 NA M639 23:64-5
23. Testimony of WTS 2/14/1834 Sen Doc 398 23rd Cong 1st Sess
24. WTS to AS 1/4/1834 Shriver mss
25. WPE to McLean 6/26/1833 Patent Off Ltr Bk mss p 100
26. LM to JDC 10/17/1833 NA M40 24:77
27. LM to JDC 12/16/1833 NA M40 24:117
28. LM to JDC 12/16/1833 NA M40 24:116
29. WTS to AS 1/4/1834 Shriver mss
30. WTS to AS 3/5/1834 Shriver mss
31. Sen Doc 398 23rd Cong 1st Sess 5/26/1834
32. In Sen Doc 398
33. LM to WPE 4/5/1834 NA M40 24:217
34. WPE to AJ 4/9/1834 NA M639 7:534-6; LM to WPE 4/11/1834 NA M40 24:224
Federico mss
36. Forsyth to McIntire 7/1/1834 NA M40 24:286
37. JDC to RM 7/3/1834 NA M639 15:975
38. WPE to JF 11/18/1834 NA M639 7:547-8
39. WPE to JF 11/24/1834 NA M639 7:554-6; WTS to JF 11/29/1834 NA M639 7:560-3; TPJ to JF 12/1/1834 NA M639 7: 570-3 WTS to AS 12/28/1834 Shriver mss
40. JDC to JF 1/7/1835 NA M639 15:982-4; RM to JF 1/10/1835 NA M639 15:985-8
41. JF to JDC 1/31/1835 NA M40 25:207
42. WTS to AS 2/1/1835 Shriver mss
Chapter Fifteen
1. NCAB 13:159; WTS to AS 2/1/1835 Shriver mss
2. Forsyth to JCP 5/1/1835 NA M639 18:425
3. Forsyth to JCP 2/7/1835 NA M40 23:214
4. Forsyth to JCP 4/6/1835 NA M40 25:300
5. WTS to AS 4/6/1835 Shriver mss
6. SA 5/21/1859 p 310
7. NCAB 7:516
8. HLE to Forsyth 1/26/1835 NA M639 7:610-1
9. HLE to Forsyth (3 ltrs) 5/11/1835 and 5/18/1835
Pat Off Ltr Bk mss p 245-6
10. Johns to Dickens 5/29/1835
Patent Office Ltr Bk mss p 246
11. WTS to AS 7/4/1835 Shriver mss
12. WTS to AS 7/9/1835 Shriver mss
13. HLE to Forsyth 8/10/1835 Patent Office Ltr Bk mss p 230-4
14. HLE to Forsyth 9/29/1835 Patent Office Ltr Bk mss p 236-9
15. SA 1/26/1861 p 55; New Bern Sun-Journal 7/2/1976 p 11E
Chapter Sixteen
1. WTS to Eliz. Shriver 8/1/1835; Maria Steiger to Eliz. Shriver 9/25/1835, both
Shriver mss
2. Maria Steiger to Eliz. Shriver 2/24/1834; WTS to Eliz. Shriver 8/11/1836, both
Shriver mss
3. Maria Steiger to Eliz. Shriver 12/4/1836
Shriver mss
4. WTS to Eliz. Shriver 11/6/1835 Shriver mss
5. Eliz Shriver to Andrew Shriver 1/1/1836 Shriver mss
Elliot (1822)
Proctor 12/10/1939
9. SA 5/9/1891 p 295-6
10. HLE to Forsyth 1/29/1836, printed in Mechanic's Magazine 8:175-182 (1836)
11. SA 5/21/1859 p 310
12. Sen Doc 338 24th Cong 1st Sess 4/28/1836
13. 24th Cong 1st Sess 1836, Statute I, Chap 357
14. JR to JF 7/5/1836 NA M687 18:67
15. 24th Cong 1st Sess 1836, Statute I, Chap 353 Sect 7;
George Evans; SA 10/4/1851 p 18
16. Gorham Parks and others to President Jackson 7/4/1836 and Ruggles to Jackson 7/4/1836,
Fenwick p 460-1
17. Levi Lincoln and others to President Jackson 7/4/1836,
Fenwick p 460
Federico mss;
Clark, "Robert Mills";
Bryan 2:241-248
19. SA 8/23/1851 p 387; SA 10/18/1851 p 38
20. SA 10/4/1851 p 18
21. JR to WPE 2/27/1841, Fenwick p 462-3
22. HLE to WPE 12/14/1840, Fenwick p 463
Clark, "Robert Mills"
24. WPE Diary, 7/8 and 7/11/1836,
Fenwick p 467
Proctor 7/14/1935 and
Proctor 5/24/1931
Chapter Seventeen
1. Forsyth to HLE 7/6/1836 NA M40 26:364
2. Forsyth to HLE 7/11/1836 NA M40 26:370
3. HLE to Forsyth 7/30/1836 NA RG 59 entry 246 Ltrs Rcd Vol 1
4. HLE to Forsyth 11/23/1836 NA RG 59 entry 246 Ltrs Rcd Vol 1
5. Sen Doc 58 24th Cong, 2d Sess 1/9/1837; HR Doc 134 24th Cong 2d Sess 1/20/1837; Sen Doc 215 24th Cong 2d Sess 3/2/1837;
Federico, B.M.
7. WTS to AS 12/15/1836 and WTS to Wm. Shriver 12/19/1836,
Shriver mss
8. Maria Steiger to Eliz Shriver 12/22/1836
Shriver mss
9. HLE to Forsyth 2/11/1840 NA M687 10:168-186
Chapter Eighteen
Sinclair; Patent 170 of 4/20/1837
Federico mss
AR 1837
4. NCAB 7:516
AR 1838
6. JF to HLE 12/13/1838 NA M687 17:546
7. HLE to JF 12/14/1838 NA M687 17:548-554
8. TPJ to HLE 12/8/1838 Note 7
9. TPJ to HLE 12/13/1838 Note 7
10. JF to HLE 12/17/1838 NA M40 28:94-5
11. HLE to JF 12/20/1838 NA M687 17:556-563
12. WPE to JF 12/24/1838 NA M687 17:565-7
13. HB to HLE 2/4/1840 and others NA M687 2:384-391
14. Ellsworth file NA M687 10:160-292
AR 1841
16. HLE to DW 12/7/1841
Webster mss rl 3
Chapter Nineteen
1. SA 9/29/1855 p 19
2. SA 9/29/1855 p 19;
Edward Morse; Electrical Engineer 8/19/1891 12:201-2;
Daughters of the American Revolution;
3. NI 5/27/1844
Chapter Twenty
1. JR to DW 4/24/1841
Webster mss
2. HLE to President 4/1/1845, see Jeffery
3. Orders of Commissioner Burke 12/7/1846 and 2/28/1848
Scrap-Book mss
4. SA 5/27/1848 p 285
5. TRP to President 4/29/1852
Peale mss VIII-A:12/17
6. NPG 12/13/1845
7. ADB to Burke 5/17/1848 note 4
8. ADB to Burke 5/21/1848 note 4
9. JB to EB 8/22/1848 and 8/26/1848 Burke mss
10. TRP to John Frazer 6/28/1848 note 4
11. JH to EB 7/10/1848 note 4
12. EB to TRP 8/14/1848 note 4
13. TRP to Frazer 5/9/1849 note 4
14. HR Doc 326 Cong 12:1; James Monroe to John Gaillard 12/6/1816, Amer. State Papers 2:396-9
Federico and Nunn
Sherlock; SA 7/28/1855 p 365
Chapter Twenty One
1. Baltimore Sun 12/21/1841
2. Note 1
3. Baltimore Sun 12/24/1841
4. NI 1/12/1842
5. NI 11/9/1848
6. NPG 11/18/1848
7. NPG 11/8/1845 - 12/20/1845
8. NPG 4/21/1849
9. EB to Ewing 5/8/1849
Ewing mss
10. CO'N to O.H. Browning 2/10/1868 NA RG 48 entry 138]
11. A.M. Stout to O.H. Browning 2/11/1868 NA RG 48 entry 138; New York Times 3/11/1868 5:2
Chapter Twenty Two
Munn & Co (1860)
2. JPOS 6:460-1
3. SA 10/30/1858 p 61
4. SA 6/5/1915 p 540+
Mercantile; CIS HR Committee Hearings 1863-65 (38)HS-T.1-T.6 2/16/1865
Chapter Twenty Three
1. CMK to WHS 3/7/1849
Seward mss
2. WHS to Ewing 4/2/1849
Ewing mss
3. CMK to Marsh 4/27/1849
Seward mss
4. CMK to WHS 4/27/1849
Seward mss
5. EB to Ewing 5/10/1849
Ewing mss
6. SA 10/1/1870 p 213
Interlude for Fiction
1. AC 5:255 (1888)
2. Reference to Mordecai Manuel Noah, (1785-1851), American politician, playwright and journalist. Founded New York Enquirer. Was high sheriff of New York City. Attempted to re-establish the Jewish nation.
3. Possible reference to Horace Greeley (1811-1872), who founded the New York Tribune and later said "Turn your face to the great West, and there build up a home and fortune." Or possible reference to John Louis O'Sulllivan, of United States Magazine and Democratic Review, who wrote in 1845 "Our manifest destiny is to overspread the continent."
4. Locofoco by this time meant a friction match. Originally, it was a term applied by John Marck, an inventor (1834), to his self-lighting cigar. The term is loosely interpreted to mean self-firing.
Chapter Twenty Four
1. Joseph Henry to Commissioner 3/2/1853
Langdon mss
2. Lane to Langdon 5/22/1851
Langdon mss
3. Langdon diary 8/13/1852
Langdon mss
4. Langdon diary 9/14/1853
Langdon mss
5. Langdon to his mother 9/21/1853
Langdon mss
6. Langdon diary 3/3-6/1855
Langdon mss
7. U.S. Magazine 10/1856 pp 289-298; Groce
8. APJ 2:78 (1853)
9. Charles Mason Remey note,
Mason mss
11. Charles Mason diaries,
Mason mss
12. Clara Barton to Stephen Barton 9/28/1856,
Chapter Twenty Five
Arthur M. Smith;
3. SA 10/26/1857 p 125;
AR 1858
4. SA 11/24/1860 p 345
AR 1858
6. OJES to JT 8/25/1857 and 12/18/1857 both NA RG 48 entry 1 box 1;
Henry Baker; New York World 9/27/1890 p 1-2; Cincinnati Daily Gazette 12/25/1863 p 3:8; Commissioner W.E. Simonds to Mrs. Jefferson Davis 5/14/1892 NA Suitland Accession no. 55-A-584 RG 241 Box 19
8. SA 1/28/1860 p 73
Japanese Consulate General;
America-Japan Society
10. SA 6/16/1860 p 386
12. STS to James Buchanan 5/12/1845
Burke mss
13. Mason diary,
Mason mss
14. Chas Mason to Rhodes 6/20/1857 registered vol 4 NA RG 48 entry 256; SA 7/13/1861 p 19
Chapter Twenty Six
1. SA 1/28/1860 p 67
4. SA 6/1/1861 p 342; SA 6/15/1861 p 374
5. DAB 9:554-5;
6. DAB 3:171-176
7. SA 10/4/1862 p 214
9. TRP to Coleman Sellers 5/28/1864 Series VIII-A fiche 14 of 17, document 002171
Peale mss
10. CIS (38)HS-T.1 - T.6 microfiche
Marcot; DAB 9:446-7
12. Whitman 2/23/1863 from
13. Whitman 1/21/1863 from
15. Whitman 3/6/1865 from
Chapter Twenty Seven
1. SA 5/18/1861 p 307
2. SA 7/13/1861 p 19
3. CSA AR 1861
4. Richmond Dispatch 6/30/1896 p 16
5. Letter book B, Confederate Patent Office, Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond
7. SA 5/19/1866 p 340
9. Death certificate
Chapter Twenty Eight
1. JH to TCT 11/22/1865 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 1
2. TCT to O.H. Browning 2/16/1867 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 1
3. SA 12/28/1867 p 407
4. SA 2/15/1868 p 105
5. AMS to Browning 1/20/1868 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 2
6. Munn to Browning 4/23/1868; AMS to J.C.Cox 4/30/1868, both NA RG 48 entry 266 box 2
7. SA 10/14/1868 p 249
8. SA 2/20/1869 p 121 and 3/6/1869 p 152
9. SA 9/16/1868 p 180
10. SA 4/27/1861 p 266
11. SA 1/12/1884 p 17
12. AR 1869
13. NCAB 8:436
14. SA 7/7/1866 p 23
15. SA 4/24/1869 p 265
16. SA 3/19/1870 p 192; Samuel Duncan to TAJ 1/24/1871
Jenckes mss
17. SA 4/30/1870 p 289 and 5/7/1870 p 296-7
18. NCAB 8:436 & 27:221
Rayford Logan;
Chapter Twenty-Nine
1. Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Ch 9
2. Twain, Life on the Mississippi, ch 47
3. SA 11/19/1870 p 328
Mason diary 2/10/1870 and SA 1/9/1875 p 16
5. Mrs. TRP to Anna Seward 6/4/1873 and Leggett to TRP 6/17/1873, both
Peale mss Series VIII-A fiche 15 of 17
6. E.T. Hall to W.A. Knapp 12/10/1879 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 4
7. NCAB 27:328-9; N.Y. Times 5/26/1977 C2:5; Chicago Tribune 2/16/1988 5:1; Boston Globe 12/22/1986 p 66; Wall Street Journal 2/10/1986 p 1+
9. Official Gazette 10/16/1874
Chapter Thirty
U.S. Patent Office, An Authentic Account...
5. SA 3/16/1878 p 164
Chapter Thirty One
1. Samuel S. Fisher to C. Delano 11/9/1870 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 2
AR 1878
AR 1879
4. Ellis Spear to Carl Shurz 11/2/1877 NA RG 48 entry 266 box 2
5. HEP to Sec Int 12/19/1879 NA RG entry 266 box 4
Brief History ... (Beresford)
7. SA 12/10/1881 p 369
8. Washington Post 6/23/1887 p 3, 7/3/1887 p 5; National Republican 7/2/1887 p 1; Washington Sentinel 7/9/1887 p 1; AR 1887 and 1888
9. SA 1/31/1880 p 65
AR 1890
12. SA 1/2/1886 p 5;
Ladd p 751;
Kodansha vol 7;
13. Washington Post 8/16/1891 p 16;
de Warren
14. SA 3/12/1887 p 160
1. R.C. Gill to E.V. Shepard 8/1/1901 NA Suitland Accession No. 55-A-584 RG 241 Box 133
2. Brearly, J.A. "Old Patent Office Models", JPOS 8:280-5 (1926)
3. CIS microfiche series HPat 62-C
4. Obituary The Bristol Press 10/4/1939; 1899 Roster of Registered Patent Attorneys; various Washington City Directories
5. "The New Patent Office Quarters", JPOS 14:289-301 Apr 1932
7. E.M.T., "The Patent Office to Leave Washington" JPOS 24:66-69 Jan 1942
8. Richmond News-Leader 12/30/1941, 1/6/1942, 2/20/1942, 3/18/1942
9. Richmond News-Leader 10/14/1944
10. Richmond News-Leader 10//14/1944, 7/10/1945, 10/17/1945, 10/22/1946
11. Washington Star 10/23/1945, 9/16/1946; Kalk, Clarence A., "Remaining Units of the Patent Office to Return to Washington" JPOS 28:459 July 1946
12. Merna, James E., "U.S. Patent Office Finds a New Home -- Crosses the Potomac to Crystal City, Virginia" JPOS 50:191-200 March 1968
Rhodes, four annual reports
2. The signed and sealed cover sheet of U.S. patents is only available on the original, as given to the inventor when the patent issues. This cover sheet has been reconstructed from other patents of the same period. There may be minor errors. For example, if the Secretary of the Interior or the Commissioner of Patents was absent from office on the day the patent issued, it would have been signed by an acting secretary or acting commissioner.
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